Home Membership Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Every person admitted to any class of membership of NIPM shall be liable to follow in his/her professional practice, as a member in any rank of management, the code of ethics of the institute and shall also make a genuine attempt to adhere to the standards laid down in the code in all his/her dealings.

  • Every person admitted to any class of membership of NIPM shall conduct himself/herself in such a manner as to preserve NIPM's image and dignity and shall not misuse authority or office for personal gain and self-interest.

  • Every member will be liable to pay the appropriate annual subscription which becomes due and payable before 1st April every year.

  • Any member not clearing up his/her annual subscription within three months of the commencement of the year i.e. 30th June, shall be treated as a defaulter. If the defaulter fails to clear up their subscriptions latest by 30th September, their names are liable to be removed from membership.

  • A person removed from the membership of the Institute may be readmitted as a member in the same class to which he/she belonged previously, by the Council, on an application made by him/her on that behalf, provided he/she clears up all arrear subscriptions before he/she can be readmitted by the Council.

  • A member shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Institute on his/her death, or if he/she withdraws his/her membership or if he/she is adjudicated by a competent court to be of unsound mind or is convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude. A Student member shall cease to be such member immediately on cessation of his/her studies for the course for a degree or diploma on the basis of which he/she was admitted to membership.

  • The Council may, after due investigation, suspend for any period any member from the membership of the Institute for any act of omission or commission which is in violation of the memorandum and regulations or is against the interest of the Institute or constitutes neglect or refusal to abide by any regulations and by-laws of the Institute or the concerned chapter, or is likely to bring discredit to the Institute, provided that no member shall be suspended unless he/she has been given an opportunity to explain his/her conduct. A suspended member shall cease to be entitled to the benefits and rights of membership, but he/she shall have a right to appeal against such decision to the general body of the Institute in a general meeting immediately followed such suspension provided he/she files the memorandum of appeal with the general secretary within sixty days of his/her suspension.

  • Any member may be expelled from the Institute by the general body, provided that such decision is taken by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a general meeting held for the purpose and the member proposed to be expelled has been given an opportunity to explain the charges leveled against him/her.


  • All Life and Corporate members shall have one vote each at the General Meetings.

  • Associate and Student members may attend the General Meetings but shall have no right to vote.